When we read John 14 and come to verse 2, the word mansions, in the King James Version gives us the idea that the whole chapter is about a physical building being built for us. The only other verse in the Bible that mentions the Greek word for mansions is translated abode in verse 23 and has to do with the Father and Son coming to us and preparing their home in us. The word abode comes from the word abide of which Jesus goes into more detail about in John 15:4-10. Chapter 14 is all about the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (vs.16-18) as THEY love, comfort and manifest the Life of Jesus in us (vs. 21).
Christians believe that Jesus is in them but have never come to experience HIM as their Life because they have not let the Father cleanse them of self so Jesus can have all of them (be their Life). It is becoming one in HIM for he that is joined to the Lord is one Spirit with HIM (1Corinthians 6:17). From this viewpoint, John 14 gives us a different viewpoint than what is usually thought of. We cannot do a thing apart from Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “Apart from ME you can do nothing”.
As mentioned in an earlier post, pain does come when we are willing to be cleansed (pruned). We are continually being sanctified little by little (until HE comes again). If God cleansed us all at once, we would be full of pride and think we are good. We have to learn that there is no good in us, nor will there ever be except for Christ in us. God told the Israelites that HE would not cleanse the land of Canaan all at once as the beasts would overtake them (Ex.23:29); just like pride in our life. Just as HE would deliver the inhabitants of the land into their hand; so the Lord shows us our enemies little by little (fear, coveting, jealousy, envy, bitterness, etc),. HE then will gives us HIS Word to our hearts and when we agree to what HE shows us, HE gives us HIS power to drive them out (Ex. 23:31-32).
The trials that come, increases our faith and love for the Lord when we learn to give thanks in all things (Eph. 5:20) and spiritually sense the manifestations (appearing) of HIS glory in us with praise and honor to HIM (1Pet.1:7-9). It is the joy of our salvation as we experience HIM now, though we haven’t seen HIM (vs.8). I didn’t learn until 20 years after being saved (at 9), that the love for wanting to read the Bible was not me but Christ causing me to love HIS Word, as I hated reading when I was young! HE also showed me that my love to sing praises to HIM (Ps.40:3) was not me! The desire to see people saved is not our desire but HIS!
I realized that when I would say things to myself like, “I know I should do this, or even should not do something”, that it was really the Lord speaking to me. I asked the question to a teenage Sunday School class; “Have you ever done something that before you did it, you said to yourself, “I know I shouldn’t do this”? They all nodded their heads, yes. I then said, “Would you believe that it was God’s Spirit telling you not to do it?” One girl then said out loud, “I wish I would have known that earlier”, but she did not tell us what it was.
Let us learn to listen for HIS voice to our hearts, as HE will continue to manifest HIS Life in us in the midst of trials and decisions. It is a daily, taking up our cross to follow HIM (Luke 9:23). We will come to know experientially, that God is building us up within (John 14:23) to take our place IN HIM. The Greek word for prepare in verses 2 & 3 of John 14, means to make ready and not to construct. Jesus comes to us to receive us unto HIMSELF, that where HE IS (now), there we may be also!
But are we willing to die to self to be with HIM IN GOD! (vs.3 of Col.3:1-10)?