Rom.1:6 - For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; . . . .
Col. 1:6 - To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:
1Peter 1:18-23 - vs. 21. Who by Him do believe in God, that raised Him up from the dead, and gave Him glory; that your faith and hope might be in God.
Our greatest riches are being built within us. The real miracles are not physical or material but eternal manifestations of Christ (glory) working in us; revealing His presence and glory now (John 9:3; 14:21)! This is HOPE!
Most of us may feel that we are of no use to God because of our past or what we term as failures. This is because we do not have a true knowledge of Who God IS and what He expects. We can look back in God’s word and see that people like Abraham, Moses, David and others fell short of what God desired for them. But God still used them and revealed through them His mercy and forgiveness. Sometimes He uses us to test others; like the man who was beaten and robbed. The good Samaritan passed the test; though the Levite and priest failed (Luke 10:30-37). Remember that Jews despised Samaritans. Experiential Hope is knowing that God is working in you; it is a work that HE continues to do (Phil. 1:6; Heb. 12:2) It has nothing to do with what we accomplish because the result is up to Him. He even used a rooster to bring Peter to repentance (Matt.26:75). Even the death of Stephen touched Saul who became Paul. (Acts 7:58-60).
We call Hebrews chapter 11 the “Hall of Faith” and usually think of those mentioned in verses 4-34. But the rest of the chapter shows that even the destitute gained approval from God (v.39). The secret is to have faith in Who He Is, what the Lord is doing within you and to believe that He is using you for His glory. It is not what we do in and of ourselves.
Hope is power under control (meek); so that when we are humbled we will know that Christ has control of it all and is working to show us the riches of HIS Glory in us now! Being joined to Christ (yoked) gives us a soul rest that we learn to find in the many trials of life (Matt. 11:29). We learn that God IS our Love as we dwell in Him with Christ and all fear is gone. (Col.3:3; 1John 4:7-19 vs.18-There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: . . .)
Rom. 5:5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.